Bowling with the international committee and the sports club

Welcome to our last event of the year - Bowling!

We will go bowling at O'Learys Norrtull on Thursday the 29th of December. You can either meet us at O'Learys at 16.45 or walk from META leaving 16.25.

We will be bowling for 55 minutes and then we will walk back to META buying pizza on the way there.

Since O'Learys only have so many bowling lanes we are limited to 36 spots, so if you want to come, sign up now! With that said, don't sign up if you don't plan on coming since it might stop someone else from playing.

Sign up here:

If you signed up and can no longer come, send an email to

Price: FREE!! Food: Pizza (if you sign up) How: Sign up in the form and then come as you are! Date: 16:45 - 20:00 (open end) on the 29th of December Where: Sveavägen 143, 113 46 Stockholm (O'Learys Norrtull)

The event is organised by the international committees at data (computer science) and media together with the sports club at data.

Facebook event:

Hope to see you there! 🎳